Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My Sweet Daughter

Last Friday evening, my daughter and I had the pleasure of attending One Voice, the first annual talent show put on by and for foster children. It is put on by Eckerd Community Alternatives to bring awareness to the need for foster parents within our community. It was excellent!

In addition to being entertaining, it was an opportunity for my daughter to heal and also for her to shine. Having been a part of this "community" for years, she knew many of the top "officials" from Eckerd and they also knew her. I think that they were amazed at her growth, both physically and emotionally, over the past two years. They really enjoyed seeing her again and I know that my daughter loved being loved. It was an opportunity for me to see her through different eyes as well. It was a life changing evening for the two of us.

My daughter, Ashley, really enjoyed meeting Ashley Rhodes-Courter. Ashley Rhodes-Courter is a former foster child herself. She authored Three Little Words and she was the event's keynote speaker. She was awesome. It was as if she was speaking about my own Ashley. I purchased her book. That has also helped me to see my daughter through different eyes. If you haven't read her book, you've got to get it!

Here's Ashley with Ashley :)
And, the girl had to settle the score by speaking with her former family court Judge, The honorable Judge Webb. He's an awesome judge that really cares for our children. Here she is with Judge Webb.

I'm looking forward to next year's event. I hope to be on the planning committee.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

One Voice!

As most of you know... (and if you didn't, now you do)... our sweet daughter is a former foster child. She is such a blessing to our family and because we have been blessed through the foster care system, we support it!

On Friday, May 22, 2009, Eckerd Community Alternatives presents Once Voice. It will be held at Calvary Chapel Worship Center in New Port Richey from 6:30pm - 8:30pm (if you need directions, comment). I am personally very excited about this event and I hope that many from our community will attend. It is a great opportunity to hear from "our" children and to learn more about the foster care community. You will be moved!

Ashley Rhodes-Courter Author of "Three Little Words" will be the keynote speaker. She will have a limited number of these books available to purchase in the lobby.

If for no other reason, you should stop by to see me! I will be there taking photographs of the event and I'll have my daughter with me. There is no place I'd rather be!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Have you missed me?

I know, I know. I post blogs regularly and then I fall off the face of the blog world. I'm so sorry!

I have been quite busy. I am still proofing wedding pictures. Can you believe that? I've also been buried in orders from the last several sessions that I've had. No complaints at all. I love what I do!

There has been some excitement in my family as well. My munchkins are wrapping up the last few days of school. They are all doing very well academically... even my oldest that has played the lazy card for the last several years. Something clicked and he's kicked it into high gear. Just in time to work toward graduation in a few years (sniff..sniff). My second son is preparing to go on his first Missions trip. To say that I am proud is an understatement. He just came home with an invitation for a good citizenship recognition and he's also preparing for his year end band concert. He's a busy boy! Our daughter is graduating from Elementary School (sniff..sniff). She'll be a big middle schooler next year. Watch out! Our baby boy was recognized for good citizenship last month and he came home with an award yesterday for coming in second place for running. He's very competitive! I don't brag about my children's acomplishments very often so thank you for allowing me to!

The big, big news in my extended family is that my cousin, Sarah is engaged!! I am so happy for her! Big Congratulations to Sarah and Collin! I know that her wedding will be soon and I hope that I can photograph the big day for her!

Last week, I was able to spend a few hours with my sweet baby CC. She's getting so big. I try to really spoil enjoy her when I have her. I think that this is my very favorite age. She is just adorable in every way. I love this sweet baby, I do!

Can you tell that she's teething?



There's my baby!

I love this little angel!

Aren't these rolls delish? I know, I know! Who photograph's such things? I don't want to forget a thing... so I DO!


Cute Grads

Have a mentioned that I love my job?! These are two cuties that I see on a regular basis and I am going to miss them when they go away to Kindergarten. I hope that their parents will bring them back to see me every now and then.


Playing with fire




Monday, May 11, 2009

Shots at the Doctor's Office!

Not those kinds of shots, silly! These kind!:

This is Dr. Vendeland. I received a call from her office manager about a month ago inquiring about having a group shot and some head shots done. I was more than happy to help out but at the time, I had no idea how enjoyable it would be.

Dr. Vendeland is the OB/GYN at New Horizons OB/GYN in East Lake (727-781-9006). She is very warm and compassionate. She's also very friendly and down to Earth. I really enjoyed meeting with her this morning and I am so excited to be doing business with her!

Thank you, Dr. Vendeland!

Dr. Vendeland wasn't the only warm and friendly face that I met at the office this morning! They are all warm, friendly and very helpful! Thanks Ladies!

They aren't always silly. I just took these for fun. We have serious shots too!


Lovin' Life!

Wowza! I have been bloomin' busy and lovin' it! I did preschool shots at Early Achievers Academy last week as well as a fundraiser for Healthy Start of Pasco on Saturday morning. That was followed by an awesome wedding Saturday night.

I had tons and tons of awesome shots from the Preschool but I can't share any until I have parents' permission. You'll have to use your imagination! I'll post some as soon as I have permission-- promise!

I haven't started working on the wedding quite yet. I do have just a few shots that I edited quickly last night.

Grandpa and Grandson

Grandma and Granddaughter

Grandma and a different Granddaughter

Lots more of the wedding! Lots, lots, more!

Here are a couple from the fundraiser!



Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Another Birthday Girl!

This baby is such a doll! I love taking her pictures. We had fun on Monday even though she wasn't quite sure that she was into the whole photoshoot. You'd never know by looking at these awesome shots!

Happy Birthday, Sweet girl!






Saturday, May 2, 2009

Prom 2009








Happy Birthday Miss Z!

Little Miss Z is a baby plan graduate! I have enjoyed watching her grow over the past year! I'm certainly going to miss seeing her every three months.

Happy Birthday baby girl!






